Until blogging is good again (or when O-levels are over).
Just remember sex god Charlie ;]
10:13 PM
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Tell me this isn't cool.
I'm planning one for the end of this year. Interested?
10:16 PM
Sunday, June 14, 2009
Extra thick-cut brown sugar & chile-rubbed bacon topped with smoked cheddar cheese, crispy onion strings, mayo, shredded lettuce, tomato and pickle. Served with ancho-chile BBQ sauce. "
Yeah. I'm telling you this is daman shiok. And damn ex. But also damn big. Like, if Carl's Jr is big, this is absolutely fucking humungous. I had to share it with my sisters. Note the plural "sisters". Seriously.
And this:
Warm chocolate cake with chocolate fudge filling. Topped with vanilla ice cream under a crunchy chocolate shell."
Mmmhmmm. Yeah I know what you're thinking. So after the KangXi exhibiton at ACM, we headed over to the Chilies at Tanglin and it was un-fucking-believable. The food was gorgey and the people there were gorgey (Spotted: Tommy Bastow look-alike! Squeal!!!) except for that lame waiter. " He's so shy he doesn't want to serve you anymore so I'm taking over." Er.... what???? Lame luh; you can't get any loser-er than that. So anyways, after being stuffed, we came home and I comatosed from 1630 to 00:00! Good food..... mmmm... I'm having residual good feeling ^^
More good feeling. Haha, yum.
Don't worry Chels; he's still all yours ;DDD
'nuff said.
Out and out.
12:09 AM
Saturday, June 13, 2009
today=school out of school. But in school. Know what I mean?
Met Aly in school to study. An almost productive day; did some emaths, got bored, drew a little, abandoned emaths,ate lunch, did geog then gave up completely and watched the Stiff Ds on my Zen. Charlie the Sex (L). Oh and Matt from Stiff Dylans replied to my comment. Tcha. Normally I'd write more but I'm real drained now. Maybe tmr. Or just.... never. Not like anyone reads this piece of shit blog anyways. I'll take a step back for a while. This might be a sign for me to quit blogging. Who knows, really?
Good Night.
Turns out Operation "Fix Printer" should be Operation "Dump Printer". See, just changing the stupid waste-ink absorber costs 80-something dollars(!!!) so Dadster's dumped it since we can get a new one (which does NOT have to have its waste-ink absorber cleaned or whatevers forever) for about $120. So no prizes for guessing where our old Canon is now. Sayonara, sweetheart, and thanks for all the good times. And the one tommy bastow pic you printed before kicking the bucket.
12:42 AM
wanna know what i think?
Better out than in, that's what they say.
12:38 AM
Friday, June 12, 2009
Operation Printer Fix is under way.... I think.
I was about to scan in my latest fash design cuz I love it alot ;D It's a collaboration between my li'l sis and myself actually. So while watching my daily dose of the Stiff Dylans, I was groping around the left side of the comp where the printer usually is and felt nothing. It's just not here! I think daddyo went to get it fixed. Halleluiah! Finally I'll have a full-colour Charlie Wride in my diary.... Hahaha nah.... that's not it....well, not really anyway ;D
Shoot! It's 7:44! Got my confi meeting in 15 minutes! Sacre bleu holy shit and double merde!
Gotta fly! Ciao!
7:40 PM
Thursday, June 11, 2009
smile for the camera; 'cause the camera loves you.
Going jogging in a minute. Not that I need anymore endorphins; nowadays I feel like I'm on a sugar high 24-7.
She looked back, looked back and said: " Thought this was a disco. Where're we gonna dance slow?"
"I want one!"
7:57 PM
Monday, June 8, 2009
are you gonna shout it from the rooftops, honey?
kick him to the curb, baby, don't stop running
tell me are you gonna come get some
Sacre bleu I'm totally nutso.
3:58 PM
Sunday, June 7, 2009
F.r.a.n.K.o! They replied baby! FranKoreplied! So there IS going to be an internationally released album! AND an Asian tour somewhere in the near future!
"Ooh ooh put your arms in the air! Ooh ooh like you just don't care!" Oh mon dieu mon dieu! Tres tres marvy no; so excited! I love FranKo, Tommy B, The Stiff Ds and Charlie Wride; haha I love so many people it's the return of the general horn! The "I love everyone" horn! Especially Charlie, the sexiest FITTEST guitar player to ever walk this earth! And Glambert, the nicest sex-god-est and gayest singer to ever rock the AI stage! And.... moremoremoremoremore
Going off to dreams-a-go-go land now so that I can wake up painfully early to jog the thighs off! Lalalala later bitches!
10:58 PM
Thursday, June 4, 2009
bicycle scene
Okay i;m crying now. alot. can;t really see what i,m typing.
4:19 PM
francis falls:
"Blake; I hear the train coming."
Omg I'm going to cry :(
4:18 PM
Yes! I've finally found this movie I've been looking for since, like, forever! It's called Twin Falls Idaho; about a pair of conjoined twins, Blake and Francis Falls.
(Never thought Siamese twins could look this good ;D)
(On the other hand, before Angels and Demons, never thought priests could look as hot as Ewan McGregor ^^)
Quoting Wikipedia:
"The film portrays the lives of shy conjoined twins Blake and Francis Falls, who take residence in a rundown hotel to hopefully reunite with their estranged birth mother; secluding themselves from the outside world. They find their gateway to the outside world through an eccentric young prostitute named Penny. "
Very moving. And the ending is sooooo sad. Like, your heart will hurt.
OMG STILL SO HAPPY I FOUND IT LUH! You know, it's so ulu that the last time I looked for it before I gave up, YTubed "Twin Falls Idaho" then come out what? Videos of the waterfall the movie was named after! lame luh! Haha YAY! I found it! if you're interested, can watch it here . All the links ther. then at least I have someone to discuss it with hehe ;D
3:56 PM
Wednesday, June 3, 2009
if you were me, would you have done it?
I think you would've.
(:. Keep your fucking mouth shut)
6:41 PM
Tuesday, June 2, 2009
jab jab.
Just got jabbed ya'll. Don't know it it's the injection or the morning run but I'm feeling really sleepy now.
♥ Charlie the Bomb :DDD
5:44 PM
Monday, June 1, 2009
think about it;
6 degrees of separation.
I like that.....
11:34 PM
post-MotherTongueOLevel exhaustion.
News for celebration: the chinese O-level today was actually not THAT bad! Infact, if I were to be perfectly honest, I'd even say that it was easier than the Mid-Years but again, if I say that and I flunk... I will seriously be sick. Fingers crossed for oral!
So anyways, after all that, we decided to head down to Vivo to watch of Angels and Demons (Second time for me) and caught the 3.30 show. Chelsea ah, I'm never eating a sausage with you ever again you sick girl lol! Ewan McGregor was so hot! Coincidence: one of Ewan's out in Angels and Demons the same time as the girl in Drag Me to Hell who played his wife in Big Fish. Damn funny luh! Chelsea was like, trying to copy Tom Hanks' "humping scene". Babe! He's ancient! Just stick with Lambert ;D
When the movie was over we went to Topshop and tried the stilettoes there. Sexy stilts! I hope Chels uploads the pic :D then we went to Forever 21 for a teeny while before remembering that still got school tomorrow so had to leave quick. Between then and reaching home, I think I PMSed or something because now I'm in a damn bad mood.
Always knew Charlie was the mover. Gonna sleep now before I spontaneously combust.