Monday, April 27, 2009
The Stiff Dylans
Check out their songs in the playlist in the left box:
9:10 PM
Monday, April 13, 2009
today= crap + nothingness
Jude and Ryan were being assholes today.
God, I'm sick of them. I don't know what's going on man...
Usually we get along fine. But recently they've been acting really strange and it's really hard not to show that it really pisses me off; if I react, I think it'll get worse.
Okay there was this period of time between Sec One and Sec Three when I looked really weird and was this huge dork so people always treated me... differently. But sometimes I get this feeling that even though I've changed since then, other people sometimes treat me a little strange too. Which is what I sense is going on now, sort of.
I don't know why but I feel.... betrayed. I don't think friends should make you feel insecure.
Anyway, about less annoying stuff, has anyone else noticed the different NS uniforms? I guess it looks less ugly on a person than when they printed the design in the S.Times last year. I still like the old-fashioned camou print though. This new digital one is really unflattering.
Okay.... gotta go now and study for the geog test tmr. Kunna was damn cute; she forgot to take the level question out when we did the first part of our test last week. So now, most of us know exactly what tomorrow's question is. Thanks Kunna!
9:02 PM
Sunday, April 5, 2009
2 days down
Mm-hmm. Feeling proud of myself. Spent the weekend doing notes aaaand... have stuck to my new diet. 1 st coupla days always the hardest. Next step: go back to exercising every morning. Pain (and inconvenience, sweatiness, discomfort,etc... :P) is temporary and... okay, so slimness is not forever but I think I'll have an easier time maintaining weight than losing weight.
Oops. I think I hit the full-stop key too hard. Can hear my mum moving around on her bed in the next room.
Btw, has anyone noticed that... a certain person from our class--S for anonymity's sake-- poses almost identically in every photo? Maybe it's just me but I find it very.... off-putting. It's so fake AND it's not like she looks sll that great if you get my drift. Just saying it like it is, so......
Gonna go sleep now. Mom's coughing. Dang flu.
11:49 PM
Thursday, April 2, 2009
I Wanna be a Big Loser
Have been loosely following the The Biggest Loser re-run on Hallmark. Today's episode was the Finale of Season 1. God I love it. The Finalists were so hot. There was a dad, this girl Suzy and ex-(almost)Olympian wrestler. Matt (wrestler) won. Yay! I wiki-ed them and now Matt and Suzy have been married for ages! Good job!
I have been inspired.
Tomorrow=Start of Diet
8:36 PM
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
April 1st
In case you guys didn't check out YouTube today,here's their joke:
All the videos were upside down like this & when you click "Tips for viewing the new layout", this come up. Click it to see it better; it's quite lame-funny.
Thank you YouTube people :D
Anyway, today was Drama SYF and guess what? I fucked up the lights. Like "totally-screwed" fucked. I ruined everything for everybody. If the teachers of my school do actually screen blogs and happen to read this, can one of you tell Natalie Hennedige that Denise didn't do anything wrong and the whole fuck up was my fault? Thanks.
I feel awful. I mean HELLO! Life!-theatre-award-winning-Esplanade-play-writing Natalie wrote and directed our piece and I made such a huge botch-up. We were supposed to black out on Tabitha but when we took out face lights 5 and 6, nothing happened! It turns out I left side lights 31 and 32 on from an earlier scene so the black out had no effect whatsoever. Denise panicked a little and tried to correct our mistake but in doing so, she missed her cue. It was only after two or three lines that the Fox was lit up.
Ungh. Headslap.
How is it that I never fail to suck at everything? I mean, Denise had like, what, 20 lights to watch? Me? Just 6 lights and I can't handle that even.
Dammit. I need some happy pie.
8:06 PM