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Friday, December 19, 2008

0954HRS; totalllly

Banana got into 1/1! YES! ZOMG she's like totally smart-ass please! She's doing better than me at everything! I feel so depressed so I'm going to crawl into my bed do some secret-cutting--NOT LOL! Nah... it's actually good for me for many reasons like, it'll finally let Maw and Paw not think we're all total failures. Maybe Nomes and I are just... er... not acadamically-inclined ;D Anyway WHATEVER. GJ girlfriend!

Every freaking inch of me is aching thanks to brilliant me. My idea to go tanning on the beach with Banana. Purty good but falling asleep on the beach even with a beach towel is not good for you. When I got up like 2 hours later, all my joints hurt. Christ.

Anywaysd, gonna paint my nails and go wrap books. Out and out.

9:53 AM

Thursday, December 18, 2008

1103HRS; too far along

I have no freaking idea why but I am hopelessly addicted to tearjerkers.
I think in the past two weeks alone, I've watched and cried during The Iron Giant and Titanic, like, about five times each.
I felt fucking crazy, I tell you, as if I'd lost my marbles completely sobbing my eyes out when Rose finally died and reunited with Jack at the... er... afterlife(?) Titanic. God, it looks so damn cheesy spelt out like this but I swear. Now I totally understand why there are so many psycho people in this world who have actually watched that movie 15 times. Christ. Now go watch it yourself -again if you have watched it before. Go check out The Iron Giant while you're at it (watch the ABCD parts).

"Jack! I'm flying!"
Zomg who says that???

11:03 AM

Tuesday, December 16, 2008

1007HRS; have you ever been alone in a crowded room

I just realized what my problem is: I don't feel strongly about anything.
I'm not like, one of those religion-extremist people; I don't hate any particular type of food; I don't have any real arch-nemesis or anything like that; I don't even have very close friends I can't live without or vice versa.

I think it's really weird cause it's like my whole life is this totally monotonous stretch of road with only a few bumps, gravel or maybe some potholes WHATEVER. I don't know anything. I don't even imagine myself anywhere in the next two years. No ambition, goals, events, life-altering dramas. It's just...... stuff. Meaningless, mundane, mind-numbingly boring STUFF.

I don't know.

Maybe it's just one of those feelings.

I don't know.
I don't know.

You get a kick out of reading this small font shit?

9:54 AM

Saturday, December 13, 2008

1004HRS; imsomniac wins again!

are you holding back,
like the way I do

I did not get any sleep last night nor this morning AGAIN. God, ONE MORE night like this and I'll be out cold on a stretcher on the way to Tan Tock Seng or something. My nerves are shot; I'm on bottled Starbucks and ineffective mugs of Coke Zero which is super-gassy and makes me burp and fart non-stop. Okay maybe TMI or whatever. I've gotta go follow Mom to the market.

Stupid fucked-up, prostitute-hoarding, demented neighbour banging around next door. UGH! Bitch.

9:58 AM

Tuesday, December 9, 2008

youtube-therapy session {TWILIGHT and other parodies}




10:37 AM

0805HRS; from the desk of an unintiated imnsoniac

on my knees;
beggin' please

Zomg haven't updated for so long I feel like my blog is like trashe or something. The last tag was like god-knows-how-long-ago .

UGH- getting harder and harder and harderandharder to fall asleep before 2 am in the morning. Very VERY frustrating. Last night's culprit was coffee: after going to Chinese Emporium to get cheap winter stuff, Mom, Dad, Nomes, Banana, Sam and I went to some cafe at East Coast.
Mean bad-ass coffee= 2nd cup of mean bad-ass coffee= no more sleep.
Sorry I'm just not one of those people who like, can stay up for three days straight and be all perky and "Miss-Sugary-Sunshine". Just one night-ONE NIGHT- without sleep and now I've got eye-pillows so huge my eyes are watering and I can barely see; it's really irritating 'cuz I keep pressing the wrong key and have to keep backspace-ing.

I guess I'm just not a coffee person; it's like I'm super sensitive to caffeine or something. But the thing is I didn't drink anything the day before yesterday but I still didn't knock off until like 5am so I didn't wake up until 1pm-ish this afternoon.

Okay. Whatever. Updates:

Went to see Sharren with Nicole, Iniki and Gloria sometime last week. I think thursday. Or Friday. Someday; whatever. She's at KK, still in intensive care. Expected her to look really banged up due to the accident but she's not too bad. She's got a neckbrace on, that's all. The news is good so far, she's recovering, just under an induced coma- like they have to sedate her so that her body can recover faster and more smoothly. Which is good of course.

I felt really bad when the grandmother asked us to read "the healing prayer" that someone wrote for her -it was so weird and we tried very VERY hard not to laugh only we couldn't and ended up making really weird choking noises. Maybe it was luck or something because THANKFULLY omg the grandmother thought we were CRYING(!) and started crying and telling us not to be upset. Call us mean if you want but wait till someone asks you to say a prayer with the words "unclog arteries" and "saturated" in it. I kept thinking "Saturated... that 's like crystallisation or something right?" and I don't know why but at that moment it really made me feel like laughing SO. BAD. I really still feel guilty about it. It just seems so... um.

Oh, and on Sunday after City of Ember (which is a tres "better-than-expected" kind of show I HEART DUNE FARROW OR WHATEVER HIS NAME IS!) we went to the Borders BookFair at Expo. Aunty Ivy's idea. Not bad- got like two books from there PLUS Beedle The Bard which is kind of a rip-off. There're like only five stories in there and it's way WAY too short for 12 bucks. I mean, I read it in 1/2 an hour slowly -COME ON!
Hunh- at least it came with a cute white TY owl which wasn't even named Hedwig or something. NO. Its name is Knowledge for chrissake. GO figure :P

NNNnnnnnh. So bored. Gonna go finish up my christmas cards and POOF! off they go!

Sarah OUT.

8:05 AM