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Friday, September 26, 2008

2243HRS; studyroom

and nothing's gonna stop me
but divine intervention

Fuck it- I'm so tired I did it again.
Fell asleep in the shower.
Damn water had to be so darn warm and comfortable.
One moment leaning against the wall with shampoo in your hair,
feelin' drowsy.
Next moment, find myself on the floor with fucking smarting soap suds in my eyes
At least I didn't bruise my elbow like that other time :P

Anyways, two papers down.
It was okay. No biggie.
The teachers made a... joke out of it.

A friggin' funny joke.

They put the harder comprehension piece in front of the easier piece so guess what?
Instead of doing the easier one, most people did the paper in sequence -like normal people do- and, with only 20 minutes left on the clock to complete the last comprehension (the easier one), realised that they should have done the last one first because they would definitely have scored better.

Well, what can anyone do? It's over. Let's not talk about exams.

I feel real guilty now, typing this post out here when I promised Sam and Hannah that I'd finish reading Animal farm to them. I just checked in on them.

Sam is so cute when he snores.

Just watching them sleep makes my eyes wanna shut.

Infact that's a great idea.
I'm going to sleep right now.

But before I go, here's the sequel for Charlie the Unicorn;

Charlie and the Banana King

"Go put a banana in your ear, in your ear!"

Good night.

look into your heart
and you will find that the sky is yours

10:44 PM

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

1509 HRS; school comp. lab

I'm just a notch in your bedpost
And you're just a line in a song.

So I got up this morning and guess what I realized?
Ladies and gentlemen, you are looking at the biggest bitch to ever grace this planet.


I never play fair.

Sugar, we're going down swinging.

3:09 PM

Monday, September 22, 2008

Can't be bothered what time it is and where the hell I am

I've been PMSing alot today so I went home and did some YouTube therapy.
Not a bad subtitute for retail therapy ;P

Anyways, while I was wandering around YouTube Land, I came across some kewl stuff.

The FaceBook Song

Not bad. I definitely know what they're going about. Facebook should be banned ;)

And some other really funny stuff I've seen and have almost COMPLETELY forgotten:

Charlie the unicorn

"Candy mountain Charlie. Candy mountain. Candy Mountain!..."

Shudder. And there's a sequel to this thing but I can't see it
- damn my lagging internet.

Darn, my eyelids keep closing. Last post before finals' this Friday.

6:24 AM

0615HRS; studyroom

My new blog skin (the cartoon one with the animated snail and dog) cannot post with colours! So until I find out what's wrong with the template...

:( I am sad.

6:16 AM

Sunday, September 21, 2008

1052 HRS; studyroom

the morning rain clouds up my window
and I can't see at all.

Hannah and Naomi found a very interesting label on some cute animal-printed wrapping paper we got from PaperChase and look what we've done with it!

Cheeky, eh? Hannah's Naomi's idea. That girl scares me.
You can see the goose-pimples on my back- our living room is the new Alaska.
Especially when your sister makes you walk around with your shirt around your neck 'cause she wants to take weird photos of your back.

Anyways, terrible weekend. Absolutely terrible. If only I could have more weekends like these before exam period; I'd look forward to school more often ;P

but even if I could it'd all be grey
with your pictures on my wall

10:35 PM

Monday, September 15, 2008

2155HRS; studyroom

all day staring at the ceiling
making friends with the shadows on my wall.

Today was the shiz. Not in a good way- in a bad way. Felt fucking awful during POA; the moment Mrs Tan left, I dashed right off to the toilet. I'll spare the details but let's just say that I was reacquainted with the oreos Alyssa gave me during recess.

Vomit Score: 4 times
{Maybe I should turn bulimic.}

Well, what's there to do when you can't do a thing without doing an upchuck?
Frankly, nothing.
What does that mean? It means that I didn't do anything but curl up under my comforter and read old issues of seventeen feeling sorry for myself.

So I've actually been very productive today- I now know how to decorate my bedroom in Indian fashion on a $50 budget and how to make cushion covers out of my old underwear.

Useful- NOT.

Okay it's time for Captain Obvious the Second to get her beauty sleep.

i'm not crazy;
i'm just a little unwell

3:43 PM